Services for foreign business in China
China Orientir has been providing business services for foreigners in China for more than 20 years. We will help you open a business and provide accounting, working visa and trademark services here.
Business services in China
China Business Vehicles Pros and Cons
Hong Kong Company
- THE WORLD'S FREEST AND MOST STABLE ECONOMY! Hong Kong for 20 consecutive years has been ranked first in the world ranking of economic freedom index and the ranking of countries financial stability. Become a part of it!
- EASY AND QUICK PROCESS OF COMPANY REGISTRATION! Registration takes only 2 hours! You are not required anything but simple information about the name and address of residence. Any foreigner from any country can register a Hong Kong company without personal presence.
- NO TAX! Taxation in Hong Kong is based on the territorial principle. You do not do business in Hong Kong, you do not pay taxes!
- NO ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES! No need to pay office rent and utility costs (company registration is allowed on virtual address), no need to hire employees and so on!
- NO CURRENCY EXCHANGE REGULATION AND NO CUSTOMS DUTIES! Hong Kong is free port without customs duties, and to transfer money to/from abroad there is no need to go through control procedures.
- NO ENDLESS INSPECTIONS AND CORRUPTION! There is the world's lowest level of corruption and administrative barriers in Hong Kong!
- ANNUAL FEE It is necessary once a year to pay the expenses for the maintenance of Hong Kong company (but this expence is one of the most minimal among offshore companies).
- COMPANY REGISTRY Names of directors and shareholders are in the open registry of Hong Kong companies (however, if desired, the names can be substituted to the names of nominee directors and shareholders).
- HONG KONG COMPANY CAN NOT DIRECTLY DO BUSINESS IN MAINLAND CHINA Hong Kong company being equated in status to foreign companies can not directly make business in mainland China (wholesale / retail, import / export, production etc.), but it can sell directly the goods to a third country after purchasing goods in mainland China, or to sell it to China directly from third countries (without transit of goods via Hong Kong). Thus the company in Hong Kong is the perfect tool for international trading (or service) activities (absence of foreign exchange regulation, customs regulations, taxes etc).
China Company
- THE MOST DYNAMICALLY GROWING MARKET AND BOOMING ECONOMY! China is equally interesting for export of goods, as it has got long reputation as a world factory which produces almost everything, and for import of goods into the domestic Chinese market, as the level of consumption in China is growing rapidly and its potential is huge.
- THE ONLY WAY TO MAKE BUSINESS IN CHINA LEGALLY! Registration of a company in China in general is the only option if there is a need to import goods into China and directly sell it (wholesale and retail) on the local market, or to produce goods or to provide services in China.
- POSSIBILITY TO ACCEPT PAYMENTS IN CHINESE RMB FROM CHINA CUSTOMERS! Registration of a company in China makes it possible to accept payments in Chinese yuan at the company's account without need for customers to pass currency controls. And passing of foreign currency control would be necessary procedure in case of sale or provision of services to China from abroad (Chinese customers are quite rarely willing to go to such trouble, cause it's much easier to buy goods or services on domestic market).
- POSSIBILITY TO ISSUE CHINA TAX INVOICES! Registration of a company in China makes it possible to issue China tax invoices (fapiao) to local customers (which they usually require, as it is the only way to officially write off expenses and thus reduce their income tax).
- POSSIBILITY OF HIRING OF PERSONNEL IN CHINA LEGALLY! Registration of a company in China makes it possible to officially hire local staff (which will require official labor contract registration with payment of social security fees).
- POSSIBILITY TO MAKE BUSINESS IN STABLE AND COMFORTABLE ENVIRONMENT! China is economically and politically stable country that also was recognized among expatriates all over the world as a country with the most comfortable accommodation.
- TAXES AND ACCOUNTING China Company when doing business must pay taxes and keep accounting records (as in fact other companies in almost every country, but the requirements are reasonable and there are no constant inspections by tax and other regulatory authorities).
- NO VIRTUAL OFFICE Company in China must be registered in the real office (non-residential) premises (however, if you don't need real office to work, it is possible to rent a very small inexpensive office in the suburbs of the city)
- AUTHORIZED CAPITAL Authorized capital of the China company should be actually paid from the bank account of foreign investor (but it is possible to pay by installments during 30 years, besides the authorized capital funds could be totally spent on real costs of the company (purchase of goods, office rent, salaries, etc.), no need to freeze the funds in the company's account.
Representative Office in China
- SIMPLE PROCESS OF REGISTRATION AND OPERATIONAL MANAGEMENT! Registration takes only approximately 1 month. After the registration representative office of foreign company in China is required basically only submit tax reports, pay taxes and pass through annual audit and annual inspection.
- LEGAL WORK IN CHINA OFFICE WITHOUT FEAR OF INSPECTIONS! If you rent office premises in China, it is the easiest way to legalize your presence in China and not fear office inspections.
- POSSIBILITY OF LEGAL HIRING OF LOCAL STAFF! Registration of a representative office in China gives you the opportunity to legally hire local staff (who will require a formal registration of employment with the payment of social insurance).
- POSSIBILITY TO MAKE WORK VISAS IN CHINA TO FOREIGN EMPLOYEES! Registration of representative office in China makes possible to get working visa documents (i.e. residence permit and work permit) for three foreign staff members and their families, which are issued for a year and easily renewed every year.
- NO NEED TO PAY REGISTERED CAPITAL! Not like China company there is no need for representative office in China to pay registered capital (its expenses should be covered by the parent company).
- EXCELLENT TOOL FOR PRELIMINARY MARKET RESEARCH AND PREPARATION FOR MORE AMBITIOUS PROJECTS! Registration of representative office in China can be an excellent tool for "probing the ground", the first step in studying and developing the local market of producers or consumers.
- TAXES AND NEED OF BOOKKEEPING Taxes should be paid on the basis of official expenses of representative office. Tax reports should be submitted monthly and quarterly. But if the sum of expenses is small so the amount of taxes will also be insignificant.
- YOU CAN NOT CONDUCT DIRECT BUSINESS Representative office in China can not lead the activities aimed at the direct earning of commercial income, this means that you can not receive the payments on the account of the representative office (only from the parent company for covering expenses of representative office) and issue China official tax invoices (but you can conduct actions on behalf of the parent company).
Testimonials from our clients
Our clients are foreign entrepreneurs and business structures from all over the world, some are long active in the Chinese market and some are just have started their business with China. Some clients are constantly in China, some are only occasionally come here, and some even open and do business with China remotely... For each of them we can offer an ideal structure of the business and ensure an individual approach in our company 'China Orientir' .
Serge & Anastasia
Owners of sports goods company "Mr&Mrs Fit" (Hong Kong, Guangzhou, China)
We have changed our Hong Kong company previous secretary company to China Orientir (earlier it was serviced by another local Chinese company, where we spent a lot of nerves, somehow we had no luck with them). And everything fell into place - the service is good, in English. They help resolve any issues, even small ones, for example with banks (all included in secretary annual service).
...We also recommended them to a friend (he has a Hong Kong company like us), when he had a difficult situation with Hong Kong taxes (the previous company that provided them secretary and accounting service at that time had counted hundreds of thousands of tax for the company to pay). After he switched to service here, the problem was immediately resolved - no taxes, as it should be (when there is an offshore business in place).
In general, who need offshore, I can only recommend China Orientir. Prices are low, working quickly and efficiently.
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Representative of ShopStock Center (Guangzhou, China)
Our representative office in China is serviced by China Orientir for 6th year. Previously we had not any experience of working in China, therefore the support of China Orientir with their knowledge of local laws, taxes etc was just what we needed.
They help us with every question - they recommended where and how to rent office, how to hire or fire employees, all accounting and tax issues were closed, and what is important for me ... they helped to apply and make annual prolongation of Chinese working visa for my whole family for free.
It's wonderful! We have had initially and still have millions different questions - and they provide excellent explanations. Thank you very much! Will definitely continue to work with you!
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Director of equipment company Mastech (Toronto, Canada)
We send containers with heating equipment on regular basis from Tianjin, China to Canada. Previously we worked directly with Chinese manufacturers. But we had a lot of problems. They didn't provide documents we needed for our customs, many don't have export license at all. And when container should be loaded by the goods from several plants you need to organize each one of them, to contact and to explain every detail to every factory separately. ... It takes a lot of time and efforts.
In 2011 we contacted the company China Orientir, and since then we constantly work together - we give them the data needed, and they quickly arrange the whole process of customs and logistics in China, delivery from multiple manufacturers to the place of loading a container and then they prepare entire package of documents to us with the translation into English, with all necessary certificates, price lists, invoices certified by Chamber of Commerce in China. And what important that after export they return to us Chinese export VAT.
So I recommend China Orientir to every business related to export from/to China!
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Some facts about us
regular customers
years of successful experience in providing support to foreign business in China
working languages: English, Chinese, Russian
of intermediaries. All services are provided by us directly.
of our staff are foreigners, so we understand very clearly the needs of foreign business working in China
China Orientir – business services in China
Our company CHINA ORIENTIR was founded in 2005 in Guangzhou (Canton), China. The company's activity is aimed at providing business services for foreign merchants and enterprises oriented to China market or foreign-invested entities based in China.

Our advantages
- Long-term experience at providing business services (business registration, accounting, import-export services etc.) specifically for foreigners living and working in China, companies with foreign investments conducting their business in China (mainly at Guangzhou), representative offices of foreign companies in mainland China (mainly at Guangzhou), foreign companies which business is oriented to China
- Long-term experience at providing incorporation, secretary and accounting services of offshore Hong Kong companies for foreigners
- We are not intermediary (who are only responsible for customer attraction), but direct providers. We ourselves do form services that allows us quickly and accurately respond to the slightest change in a situation
- We have our own China import export company, which activity is aimed at providing import export services for foreign business from all over the word
- Services are provided in English, Russian and Chinese which is comfortable for customers
- Affordable prices for services provided (see price here)
- Free consultations on issues related to the services provided.
Our services are necessary to those:
- Who are engaged in foreign trade activities: we offer registration and accounting services for Hong Kong companies, companies with foreign investments in Mainland China, representative offices in China;
- Who are seeking ways to optimize costs in trading, consulting and other commercial activities: we offer registration and maintenance of Hong Kong companies;
- Who permanently or periodically live and work in China: we offer registration of work permits and permanent residence permits in China in the name of your company or representative office (with an unlimited number of entry-exit);
- Who produce or places orders for products or components under its own brand in China: we offer trademark registration in China;
- Who buy goods from manufacturers in China who do not have foreign currency accounts and import-export license: we offer agent export services in China, service of China export customs procedures and arrangement of its delivery, moreover we can return part of VAT after export;
- Who intend to import goods or raw materials into domestic market of China: our company provides agent import services, the service of receiving foreign funds to our account in China under official import-export contract and then immediate transfer in local currency to the account of manufacturer, also we provide services for import certification, customs clearance of goods and delivery in China.

We provide the tools which are necessary to optimize costs in your China business, to organize effective schemes of foreign trade activities, to organize and legalize business in China, as well as legalize the status of foreigners and their families living and working in China .
Need help?
Contact us at Whatsapp +8618818840053
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